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JavaScript ES6 Intro

ECMAScript is the official name for JavaScript. ECMAScript2015 (ES6) is the latest stable version of JavaScript. It is the 6th edition of JavaScript and at least partially supported in most major browsers.

If you're just starting to learn JavaScript, then learning ES6 is recommended. While some of the features discussed in this tutorial are only partially supported today, ES6 is quickly becoming the new standard. We'll show you how to use tools like Babel to compile ES6 into ES5 to address these compatibility issues.

What's new in ES6?

There are quite a few syntactical changes from ES5. ES6 introduces the concept of classes and modules. Things like arrow functions, parameter handling, template literals, promises, iterators, generators, are all new and improved with ES6.

If you're not familiar with ES5, that's ok. Whether or not you understand these differences or even know how to code, this tutorial will clearly demonstrate how JavaScript works. You will learn the basics of JavaScript using ES6 syntax and the latest standards.

Getting Started

This tutorial will give you a comprehensive introduction to programming with JavaScript, including detailed examples for getting started with ES6. We'll show you how to set up Node.js and execute ES6 JavaScript in a sandboxed environment so you can develop your JavaScript skills.

Next we'll be looking at environment setup for working with ES6.
