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    Spring Boot Kafka Interview Questions

    Spring Boot Kafka Interview Questions, including how Spring Boot Kafka works, what different annotations do, etc

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    Beanstalk with NodeJS getting Failed to deploy application. Failed to check health. Verify the permissions on the environment's service role and try again later. Permissions changes take up to two hours to propagate?

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    Is Kafka a database?

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    Event Driven vs REST in Microservice Architecture

    A look at event driven vs RESTful API design in microservice architecture including best practices and use cases for each.

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    REST vs event-driven architecture?

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    Spring Boot Kafka Consumer

    Spring Boot Kafka Consumer example including consumer offsets and multiple consumer examples.

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    JavaScript Observables in 5 Minutes

    Quickly understand JavaScript observables. Implement the Observable class from scratch and understand what makes observables different from promises.

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    How is index performance achieved in MongoDB?

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    What are KafkaListener Annotation Properties?

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    How does a @OneToOne relationship work in Spring Data JPA?

    How does a @OneToOne relationship work in Spring Data JPA?

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    When are classes loaded in Java?

    When are classes loaded in Java

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