ChatGPT and the Future of Software Engineers

    In a world of low code frameworks, open source AI tools, and an obsession with automation, what the future demand of software engineering looks like in 2023.

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    What is OAuth?

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    Is Kafka a programming language?

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    Is Java losing popularity?

    Is Java losing popularity

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    Is Java losing popularity?

    Is Java losing popularity

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    Spring Boot Kafka Consumer

    Spring Boot Kafka Consumer example including consumer offsets and multiple consumer examples.

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    npm install | how it works

    The npm install command and how it works with and without arguments. Learn what happens under the hood with dependency resolution and the difference between npm dependencies and devDependencies.

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    What are the different indexing types in MongoDB?

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    How does a unique index work in MongoDb?

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    How does a unique index work in MongoDb?

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    What is the Log4J2 security vulnerability?

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